1. Background
1.1 These general terms and conditions (the “General Conditions”) apply when you, as a consumer (the “Customer”), place a subscription via www.draftworkshub.com and related pages (the “Website”). The agreement is concluded between you and DraftWorksHub.com. Detailed contact information and other information about DraftWorksHub.com are set forth on the Website. The General Conditions are only applicable for Customers that are consumers.
1.2 The Customer must be a minimum of 18 years old to subscribe via the Website. DraftWorksHub.com does not, in accordance with VN and EU law, accept any credit purchases for persons below 18 years of age. DraftWorksHub.com reserves the right to deny or change a Customer’s subscription (e.g., if the Customer has provided incorrect personal data and/or has any record for non-payment of debt).
1.3 DraftWorksHub.com provides a free service that allows our members to access data streaming over the Internet on our website to the collection of one or more digital files, images, or videos packaged in the form of a product on the website that can be identified by a product ID, and that is uploaded by the Customer, or otherwise made available to the Customer, for free on the website. DraftWorksHub.com products may include 2D and 3D models, texture maps, motion captures, photographs, imagery, application and plug-in software, materials and shaders, shapes and vector graphics, training materials, building components, sound effects, stock music, and videos, objects of technology, vehicles, military equipment, furniture, energy equipment. Additionally, a DraftWorksHub.com product may include a number of individual files of different file formats to make it easier for Customers to work in a variety of software applications (such as AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Maya, and Cinema 4D), and may also include other files (such as jpeg images used for texturing), and images or other files that are used for promotional purposes. For Customers and their use in Creations, this definition also includes derivative and intermediary files used for that purpose.
1.4 DraftWorksHub.com shall have no liability in case of image or typographical errors of the products on the Website, e.g., errors in the product description or technical specification, inaccurate prices and price adjustments (such as changed prices from suppliers, change in currencies). DraftWorksHub.com is entitled to rectify any such errors and, at any time, to change or update the information. All images on the Website shall be considered solely as illustrations. Such illustrations do not guarantee to reproduce the exact appearance, function, or origin of the product. DraftWorksHub.com is not responsible for any information by third parties provided for on the Website.
1.5 The Website and all its content are owned by DraftWorksHub.com or its licensors. The information is protected by intellectual property and marketing legislation. This means that trademarks, company names, product names, may not be copied or used without the prior written consent of DraftWorksHub.com. Even though images and graphics, design, layout, and information about products, services, and other content may be downloaded, copied, or used without the consent of DraftWorksHub.com.
1.6 The following restrictions apply to the majority of the products on the website. Certain subject matter depicted by DraftWorksHub.com, such as a manufactured product under a brand name, may be protected by another party’s Intellectual Property rights. Permitted use of Other-Party Intellectual Property in DraftWorksHub.com products is limited to news reporting in creations of some cultural, editorial, journalistic, or otherwise newsworthy value, and includes news reporting on television and the internet. This restriction does not apply if the Customer has the needed authorization to use the Other-Party Intellectual Property for his Creation, such as if the Customer is the Intellectual Property owner himself or an Intellectual Property owner’s advertising team, hired party, or licensee purchasing that company’s product.
1.7 DraftWorksHub.com does not own or license any Other-Party Intellectual Property. DraftWorksHub.com does not in any way make any representations or warranties about Other-Party Intellectual Property associated with DraftWorksHub.com products. The Customer is solely responsible for determining the need for and, if appropriate, obtaining any needed Other-Party clearance, consent, or release to use any Other-Party Intellectual Property in his creations.
2. Links
DraftWorksHub.com may provide links to other websites beyond the control of DraftWorksHub.com, and websites beyond the control of DraftWorksHub.com may provide links to the Website. Even if DraftWorksHub.com attempts to ensure that DraftWorksHub.com only provides links to websites that apply similar personal data and security provisions pursuant to DraftWorksHub.com’s Privacy Policy, DraftWorksHub.com is not responsible for any protection or confidentiality of information or personal data that the Customer provides on other websites. The Customer should be cautious and read the personal data provisions applicable to the actual website.
3. Force Majeure
DraftWorksHub.com is not liable for any delays caused by circumstances beyond DraftWorksHub.com’s control, e.g., general labor dispute, acts of war, fire, lightning, terrorist attacks, changed governmental orders, technical problems, defects in power / tele-/ computer communications or other communication and defects or delays in the service by sub-suppliers due to circumstances set forth above. Such circumstances shall result in relief from damages and other measures. If any such situation should arise, DraftWorksHub.com shall inform the Customer accordingly both at the beginning and the end of the period for the current situation. If the situation has lasted for more than two months, both the Customer and DraftWorksHub.com are entitled to terminate the purchase with immediate effect.
4. Changes to the General Conditions
DraftWorksHub.com reserves the right to change these General Conditions at all times. Any changes to these General Conditions will be posted on the Website. Changes will become valid once the Customer has accepted the General Conditions (in connection with a new purchase or while browsing the Website), alternatively 30 days after DraftWorksHub.com has informed the Customer of the changes. However, DraftWorksHub.com recommends that the Customer regularly remains